Garbage and Recycling

Oxford County manages a leading Waste Management program, consistently reaching top rankings for waste diversion in its class among Ontario municipalities. We collect garbage and recycling from roughly 26,000 households across its six participating municipalities co-collected in the same truck.

What's New

 Next steps for curbside waste collection

At the May 22, 2024, Oxford County Council meeting, Council was presented with a number of recommendations to prepare the County’s waste management program for upcoming legislated changes, including the start of a food and organic waste (green bin) program and the transfer of residential recycling collection from municipal governments to a new producer-led program. The recommendations in the report followed a six-week community engagement campaign in which Oxford County residents were asked for feedback on curbside waste collection.

County Council adopted the recommendations in the report with the addition to also consider a third collection option, a 5-day collection cycle with weekly organic and weekly garbage collection.

A staff recommendation on a preferred curbside collection program, with associated costs, will go before County Council in November 2024.

Weigh scale construction at the Waste Management Facility 

The weigh scales at the Waste Management Facility will undergo two-day routine maintenance on Tuesday, June 18 and Wednesday, June 19. During this time, all traffic, inbound and outbound, will share a single scale. Please watch for detours and expect delays.

Oxford County weighs all vehicles that visit the Waste Management Facility to establish tipping fees for loads containing garbage (mixed solid waste) and/or construction and demolition materials based on weight.

Residential customers can access waste diversion programs free of charge, including programs for cardboard, bulky Styrofoam, plastic film, electronics, and scrap metal. Disposal of leaf and yard waste and household hazardous waste is also free. 

Agricultural Plastics Diversion Pilot Program

Oxford County is reminding local farmers about the agricultural plastics pilot program at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility.  

For $50/tonne, farmers can recycle plastics like silage bags, bunker covers, bale wraps, fertilizer bags, and salt bags (black, blue, and white). Materials must be reasonably clean and contamination-free, sorted by type, and packed in designated collection bags. Farmers can request collection bags free of charge at 1-800-755-0394 or

Local farmers generate approximately 300 tonnes of bale and silage wrap annually. In 2023, five tonnes of agricultural plastics were collected and diverted from the landfill thanks to the program.

Read more about the Agricultural Plastics Diversion Pilot Program. 

2023 Annual Waste Management Reports

The 2023 Annual Waste Management Reports are now available online. Oxford County’s waste management programs and facilities continue to operate in compliance with regulatory requirements. The County achieved an overall landfill waste diversion rate for residential and ICI (Industrial, Commercial and Institutional) waste of approximately 45% in 2023. The County’s municipal landfill has an estimated remaining service life of approximately 27 to 32 years.


Read the 2023 Annual Waste Management Reports

Large Item Collection 

Oxford County’s Large Item Collection begins in Ingersoll on April 1, 2024. Please make sure to have your large item materials to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of your collection week to ensure pickup. This special waste collection program is offered each year in Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Ingersoll, Norwich, South-West Oxford, Tillsonburg and Zorra: 

  • Ingersoll:
    • Zone 1 - April 1
    • Zone 2 - April 8
    • Zone 3 - April 15
  • Zorra: April 22
  • East Zorra-Tavistock: May 6  
  • Norwich: May 13
  • Blandford-Blenheim: May 27
  • South-West Oxford: June 3 
  • Tillsonburg:
    • Zone 1 - June 17
    • Zone 2 - June 24
    • Zone 3 - July 2  

Find a complete list of acceptable and unacceptable materials on the Large Item Collection page. 

Please remember to always use bag tags for regular household garbage, even during your Large Item Collection week.

Regular household garbage is not part of Large Item Collection, and all bags and containers set at the curb require bag tags; regular garbage collection days do not change during your Large Item Collection week. Bag tags are not a requirement for your large items.

2024 Tipping Fees

2024 Tipping Fees at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility

Tipping fees effective January 1, 2024* will increase to:

  • Mixed Solid Waste $92.00/1000 kg
  • Construction and Demolition Waste $88.00/1000 kg
  • Asbestos Waste $350/1000 kg
  • Freon Units $20/unit

*in accordance with Oxford County Fees and Charges By-law No. 4889-2007 as amended


2023-2024 Wasteline calendar

The 2023-2024 Wasteline calendar will be delivered to homes starting in August. Check yours for our collection calendar, recycling info and more. 

Front cover of 2023-2024 Wasteline Calendar

Download the 2023-2024 Wasteline calendar

* Please note this is not a fully accessible version. To obtain an alternate format, please contact

Agricultural Plastics Diversion Pilot Program

Oxford County is launching a new pilot program for agricultural plastics at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility (OCWMF). Local farmers can now dispose of agricultural plastics, including silage bags, bunker covers, bale wraps, fertilizer bags, and salt bags (black, blue, and white), for $50/tonne. All materials must be reasonably clean and free of contamination. Materials must be sorted according to type, packed in appropriate bags, and tied up. Loose and excessively dirty material will not be accepted and categorized as garbage. Unacceptable materials include net wrap and twine mesh. Learn more on the Special Recycling web page.

Waste Management Annual Reports 

Oxford County is required to report on all waste management facilities and operations annually to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. Reports are first tabled and approved by Oxford County Council. Read the full waste management reports on the About Waste Management web page. 

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Customer Service Issues

Let us know about your Waste Management service issue: your feedback helps us serve you better. If your concern is an emergency, please call 1-800-755-0394.