Community Profile
In 2021, the census population for Oxford County was 121,781, which was a 9.9% increase from 2016(1)
The following tables provide a summary of the population and household estimates for each municipality and village within the County of Oxford.
Population & Household Counts - 2021 Census
Municipality | Household Counts (2) | Population (1) |
City of Woodstock |
18,886 |
46,705 |
Town of Tillsonburg |
8,229 |
18,615 |
Town of Ingersoll |
5,467 |
13,693 |
Township of Blandford-Blenheim |
2,779 |
7,565 |
Township of East-Zorra Tavistock |
2,976 |
7,841 |
Township of Norwich |
3,761 |
11,151 |
Township of South-West Oxford |
2,616 |
7,583 |
Township of Zorra |
3,162 |
8,628 |
County of Oxford |
47,876 |
121,781 |
Sources: Statistics Canada Census, 2021
Population & Households – 2021 Village Estimates(3)
Municipality | Village | Total Number of Households | Population Estimate |
Township of Blandford-Blenheim |
Bright |
160 |
432 |
Drumbo |
376 |
1,015 | |
Plattsville |
683 |
1,844 | |
Princeton |
220 |
594 | |
Township of East-Zorra Tavistock |
Hickson |
120 |
312 |
Innerkip |
614 |
1,596 | |
Tavistock |
1,243 |
3,375 | |
Township of Norwich |
Burgessville |
164 |
492 |
Norwich |
1,436 |
4,328 | |
Otterville |
468 |
1,404 | |
Oxford Centre |
73 |
219 | |
Springford |
135 |
405 | |
Township of South-West Oxford |
Beachville |
349 |
1,012 |
Brownsville |
179 |
519 | |
Dereham Centre |
21 |
61 | |
Mount Elgin |
242 |
702 | |
Salford |
71 |
206 | |
Sweaburg |
261 |
757 | |
Township of Zorra |
Embro | 369 | 996 |
Harrington |
53 |
143 | |
Kintore |
50 |
135 | |
Lakeside |
115 |
311 | |
Thamesford |
1,110 |
2,997 |
In addition to Villages, there are approximately 40 Rural Clusters designated throughout the County of Oxford.
Source: Oxford County Community Planning Office
- 2021 population uncorrected for census undercount.
- Household counts are private dwellings occupied by usual residents.
- Estimated by the Community Planning Office, based on number of dwelling units/households x average person per unit (PPU) for each area municipality. PPU values were obtained from the Statistics Canada 2021 census profiles.
For more detailed information, view the Statistics Canada 2021 census profiles for Oxford County or contact Holly McClure at the Community Planning Office.
The following tables are summaries of journey to work data for Oxford County at the census subdivision (CSD) level of geography.
The journey to work data was collected as part of the mandatory long form survey in 2006, and the voluntary National Household Survey (NHS) in 2011. Among other information, these surveys collected information on commuting flows between the place of residence and the place of work. These data are collected for persons aged 15 years and over in occupied private dwellings who worked at some time since Jan. 1, 2005 (for the 2006 Census) or since Jan. 1, 2010 (for the 2011 Census).
These tables represent a summary of the raw data supplied to the County and reflects the County’s interpretation of the raw data. Users should be careful when comparing these summary tables as there were differences in how the data were collected.
2016 Journey to Work Summary Table
2011 Journey To Work Summary Table
2006 Journey To Work Summary Table
For additional information, please refer to the following links:
Journey to Work Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2016
Journey to Work Reference Guide, National Household Survey, 2011
Journey to Work Reference Guide, 2006 Census
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