Official Plan
The Oxford County Official Plan is the policy document that establishes the overall land use strategy for both the County and the eight area municipalities that comprise the County.
The policies and land use schedules contained in the Official Plan establish locational and development review requirements for various land uses (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, parks, etc.), set out how agricultural land and other natural features and cultural heritage resources are to be protected and provide direction on how environmental constraints are to be addressed. The Official Plan also helps to guide municipal decisions with respect to infrastructure, public services and other investments.
Information regarding current initiated Official Plan amendments and how to apply for an amendment is available on the Development page.
The Official Plan is subject to regular review and Community Planning is also responsible for undertaking or contributing to various Other Planning Studies and Projects to address specific planning matters.
Official Plan Text & Schedules
The Oxford County Official Plan text and Schedules are provided for public information purposes only.
The current Official Plan was adopted by Oxford County Council on December 13, 1995. The contents of the Official Plan reflect the latest consolidation of Official Plan amendments, as of March 31, 2023. For more up to date information please contact our office.
In any situation where the printed Official Plan text or Schedules (maps) of Oxford County differ from electronic versions contained in the website, the official printed publications take precedence.
Users of this electronic information should verify it with the printed official information before acting on it.
Official versions of all Official Plan Schedules (maps) and related information can be obtained from Oxford County Community Planning Office by calling (519) 539-9800.
Below is the Official Plan broken down by chapter.
Listing of Schedule/Figure Modifications
- 1.0 - Introduction(incl. Planning Responsibilities, Organization, Time Frames, Definitions...)
- 2.0 - County Development Strategy(incl. Planning Principles)
- 3.0 - Natural Resource Management Policies
- 4.0 - Growth Management Policies incl. Strategic Approach & Policies)
- 5.0 - Functional Support Elements(incl. Support, Transportation Policy, Servicing Policy, Public Uses …)
- 6.0 - Rural Settlement Land Use Policies
- 7.0 - City of Woodstock Land Use Policies
- 8.0 - Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Policies
- 9.0 - Town of Ingersoll Land Use Policies
- 10.0 - Implementation Measures (incl. Strategic Approach, Community Improvement, Monitoring …)
- C-1 - Environmental Features Plan
- C-2 - Development Constraints Plan
- C-3 - Settlement Strategy Plan
- C-4 - Transportation Network Plan
- C-5 - Wellhead Protection Area Plan
- Appendix 1 - County of Oxford, Former Industrial and Waste Disposal Sites
- Appendix 1-1 - Town of Ingersoll, Former Industrial and Waste Disposal Sites
- Appendix 1-2 - Town of Tillsonburg, Former Industrial and Waste Disposal Sites
- Appendix 1-3 - City of Woodstock, Former Industrial and Waste Disposal Sites
- Appendix 2-1 - County of Oxford, Mineral and Petroleum Resources
- Appendix 2-2 - County of Oxford, Aggregate Licenses
- Appendix 3 - City of Woodstock, Brick Wetlands Development Boundary
- Appendix 4 - County of Oxford, Heritage Resources Inventory
Official Plan Review
Why Update the Official Plan?
The County is committed to regularly reviewing and, where necessary, updating its Official Plan policies to ensure they remain current, consistent with Provincial legislation and policies, and reflective of local planning principles and objectives as the community continues to grow and change.
The Official Plan is updated through review of relevant legislation, policies, regulations, guidelines, studies and other information, agency and public/stakeholder consultation and consideration of the local land use context to identify and develop recommended policy changes for Council’s consideration. The Official Plan update is a multi-year process that will:
- Incorporate updates to provincial legislation, regulations, and policies.
- Integrate new and updated County policy initiatives and plans.
- Include opportunities for public engagement.
- Guide growth and development for a 25-year period (currently 2021–2046)
October 13, 2021 marks the formal initiation of the review and update of the Official Plan. Check out the staff report and learn more here.
The County of Oxford has recently completed Phase 1 of its Official Plan review, which focused on updates to the Agricultural Policies, and is currently in the process of reviewing the following Official Plan policy areas:
The County may add additional policy review areas in the future. The need for revisions, and the exact nature of specific policy revisions, will be determined as the County proceeds through the review process.
Comprehensive updates to the County’s growth management policies are not being undertaken as part of the current review. However, the County has recently completed a Phase 1 Comprehensive Review study and been working with a number or the Area Municipalities to undertake and/or complete growth related secondary planning and servicing studies and associated Official Plan amendments to implement the findings and recommendations of that study with respect to growth land need.
Opportunities for public input on the above-noted review components have and/or will be provided during the review process (see specific policy area pages for more details).
If you have any questions about any aspect of the Official Plan Review, please contact us or email us at for more information or to request notice for updates on the Official Plan Review.
Other Planning Studies and Projects
Community Planning is also responsible for undertaking or contributing to various projects to address specific planning matters or implement Official Plan policies on behalf of the County and Area Municipalities, such as:
- County Phase 1 Comprehensive Review Study (i.e., County and area municipal growth forecasts and land need)
- Source Protection Plan policy development and implementation
- Additional Residential Units (ARUs) policy development and implementation
- County Community Improvement Plan
- Southwest Ingersoll Secondary Plan
- Southeast Woodstock Secondary Plan (recently completed)
- Village of Drumbo Area Study and Secondary Plan
- East Zorra-Tavistock Secondary Plan (Village of Tavistock and Village of Innerkip)
- Various other planning studies and reports, such as urban design guidelines, strategic plans, downtown development strategies, etc.