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New Multi-Unit Rental Stream

Funding opportunities to build new affordable housing in the County. 

See how these programs have helped to build more affordable housing since 2007.

Typically, once a year, the County offers grants to help offset the capital cost of building new affordable and supportive housing. Funding is allocated based on submission to a request for proposals (RFP) issued by the County under Bid and Tenders. Eligibility and funding varies, as indicated in each RFP.

If you are constructing a new affordable housing unit, or you are receiving a municipal capital grant, you may qualify for an exemption from local and County development charges. Such exemptions are only available for affordable rental units and are provided at the time of building permit issuance. Please note that an agreement with the County is required to provide this exemption.

This program lowers the tax ratio of new apartment rental units to 1.0 to reduce a developer’s overall operating costs. New multi-unit residential developments are automatically provided with the lower property tax class at the time of assessment.

CMHC offers a number of funding and financing programs to encourage the development of for-profit and non-profit rental housing. Many of these programs can be combined with the funding programs that are offered by the County. 

Visit the CMHC website for more information including how to apply.

FCM offers a number of grants and loans to support the construction of a new affordable housing project to a higher environmental performance standard.

Visit the FCM website for more information, including how to apply.

Enbridge is offering design assistance and incentives of up to $120,000 for new construction affordable housing projects. Through energy modelling and design workshops, Enbridge will provide sustainable design expertise at no cost to the developer.

View the information sheet here 

Visit the website for more information

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Oxford County

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