Paramedic Services
In any emergency we are here to help.
Oxford County Paramedic Services is committed to the community health and public safety of the people who live in Oxford County.
An innovative provider of pre-hospital healthcare, we are leading the way with initiatives like:
- Enhanced skill sets
- Service-wide deployment of the Autopulse (an automated CPR device)
- Involvement in pre-hospital research studies and developing programs such as Community Paramedicine and Alternate Patient Care Models.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Oxford County Paramedic Services has played a leading role in supporting our community through its work coordinating personal protective equipment and supplies for healthcare workers, assessing and testing for COVID-19 in community settings, including as part of Southwestern Public Health's mobile health unit, and supporting long-term care homes and those in palliative care.
Through its Community Paramedicine program, Oxford County offers a remote monitoring program for moderate to severe chronic disease patients and those who frequently use 911 services. This program helps patients manage their medical conditions with support from paramedics, who are able to monitor their vital signs remotely and offer health coaching.
How to request remote patient monitoring
- Complete the Community Paramedic Referral Form
- Sign and fax to Oxford County Paramedic Services at 519-421-7363
Oxford County Paramedic Services
519-539-9800, ext. 3464 | E-mail Community Paramedicine is an emergency preparedness site for Oxford County and its eight area municipalities. Visit the site for information on disaster and emergency planning for our area, how to prepare an emergency kit, emergency contacts and sources of emergency information for your community, and more.
Virtual Urgent Care is a new service for adults and children with an urgent medical issue who do not have a family doctor, who or cannot see their family doctor due to availability. All you need is an Ontario Health Card, email address, and access to a device connected to the internet.
Adult and paediatric appointments are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can book an appointment by visiting or by calling 1-844-227-3844.
Virtual urgent care might be appropriate for you (or a family member) if you have a medical issue that is NOT life-threatening but requires urgent medical attention and you’re unable to access timely care through a primary care provider.
In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to your local emergency department.
Virtual Urgent Care is a partnership of London and Hamilton hospitals and is available to residents of southwestern Ontario.