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South-West Oxford

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Township of South-West Oxford Zoning By-Law No. 25-98

The provisions and schedules of this by-law control the use of land in the Area Municipality

The Township of South-West Oxford Zoning By-Law controls the use of land by dividing the municipality into different land use zones with detailed maps, specifying the uses permitted in each zone, specifying where buildings and other structures can be located, stating the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used, as well as specifying lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.

The contents of the Zoning By-Law reflect the latest consolidation of zoning by-law amendments, as of September 30, 2022. For up to date information on a specific property, please contact the Planner for the area municipality.


Title Description Modified Date
Final Approved A list of all zoning bylaw amendments that have been consolidated into the current zoning bylaw. 12/15/2022
Council Approved A list of zoning bylaw amendments that have been approved by Council and are awaiting consolidation into the current zoning bylaw. 11/30/2022
Title and Definitions Section 2 12/15/2022
Application, Administration, Enforcement Section 3 12/15/2022
Interpretation Section 4 12/15/2022
Zones Section 5 6/29/2016
General Provisions Section 6 12/15/2022
Limited Agricultural (A1) Section 7 12/15/2022
General Agricultural (A2) Section 8 12/15/2022
Agri-Business (AB) Section 9 12/15/2022
Rural Residential (RR) Section 10 12/15/2022
Residential Existing Lot (RE) Section 11 12/15/2022
Residential Type 1 (R1) Section 12 12/15/2022
Residential Type 2 (R2) Section 13 12/15/2022
Residential Type 3 (R3) Section 14 12/15/2022
Mobile Home Park (RMH) Section 15 6/29/2016
Village (V) Section 16 3/18/2020
Highway Commercial (HC) Section 17 3/18/2020
Restricted Industrial (MR) Section 18 6/29/2016
General Industrial (MG) Section 19 6/29/2016
Aggregate Industrial (ME) Section 20 3/18/2020
Quarry Industrial (MQ) Section 21 6/29/2016
Airfield Industrial (MA) Section 22 6/29/2016
Development (D) Section 23 6/29/2016
Institutional (I) Section 24 6/29/2016
Recreational (REC) Section 25 6/29/2016
Open Space Zone (OS) Section 26 6/29/2016
Approval Section 27 6/29/2016


Title Description
Key Maps Schedule A
Airport Height Restrictions Schedule B
Parking Space Requirements Schedule C

Application Fees

Please check the current fee schedule prior to submission of your application.

Application Forms

Forms are available for the various types of development regulated by the Planning Act

Township of South West Oxford Application Forms

Oxford County Woodland Conservation By-Law Form

In addition to the County Development Charges, most area municipalities in Oxford County also have Development Charges by-laws.

Development Charges



Background study

At least every 10 years, Oxford County and area municipalities conduct development charges background studies to forecast future residential and non-residential growth to determine infrastructure needs and costs. This information is used to calculate the amount of money that new development needs to pay in order to cover the cost of new infrastructure and services.

Learn More about the Background Study here.

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