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Report potholes to help keep Oxford County roads safe

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Cracks and potholes on Oxford County roadways are typical this time of year due to fluctuating temperatures, melting snow, rain and frequent snow plowing. Motorists, residents and business owners can report potholes to to reduce potential road hazards and ensure timely repair.

All pothole reports should include the following information:

  • name of the street
  • nearest building number
  • name of the nearest cross-street
  • which lane (i.e., northbound lane, turning lane, etc.)
  • approximate size (i.e., dinner plate, man-hole)

Oxford County must ensure its roadways are maintained in a good state of repair for all motorists as directed by provincial legislation and safety standards (i.e., Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways). Public Works crews regularly inspect and maintain over 640 centre-line kilometres of roadways.

Reporting potholes ensures that Public Works crews are aware of potential driving hazards and can make necessary repairs to safeguard County roads for drivers and vehicles alike. All reported potholes are included in a maintenance list for repairs, with crews aiming to fix every pothole promptly, pending weather and other factors.

For vehicle damage potentially caused by potholes, motorists are advised to have their vehicle checked by a mechanic and report any potential damage to their insurance companies.

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About Oxford County

Located in the heart of southwestern Ontario at the crossroads of Highways 401 and 403, Oxford County has a population of approximately 119,000 people across eight area municipalities that are “growing stronger together.” As a partnership-oriented, two-tier municipal government, Oxford County is emerging as a leader in sustainable growth through the Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan and County Council’s commitment to achieving 100% renewable energy, becoming a zero waste community, and working towards zero poverty. Situated in one of Ontario’s richest areas for farmland, agriculture is a key industry that serves as a springboard for some of the sustainable industries that are steadily diversifying the local economy. Oxford County offers a thriving local arts, culture and culinary community, as well as conservation parks, natural areas and more than 100kilometresof scenic trails. The Oxford County Administration Building is located in Woodstock, Ontario. Visit or follow our social media sites at Oxford County’s Strategic Plan is at


Donna Kemp | Strategic Communication & Engagement
519.539.9800, ext. 3158 |

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Oxford County

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