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Voter LookUpElections 2022


Municipal elections in Ontario are held every four years and are governed by the Municipal Elections Act. The next municipal election will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022, with the swearing in of Oxford County Council on November 23, 2022.

To find out if you're on the list to vote for municipal council and school board elections, visit

For more information on voting in municipal elections, visit the Government of Ontario website.

Municipal elections in Oxford County

In Oxford County, municipal elections are conducted independently by the eight local area municipalities. The elected mayor of each municipality, as well as the two elected city-councillors for the City of Woodstock, then form Oxford County Council. The Warden of Oxford County is elected at the start of each four-year term by County Council members. 

You can find information about elected positions in your community by visiting your local municipality's website.


Election debates and information


2022 Tillsonburg Municipal All Candidates Debate hosted by the Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce 
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 | 6:00 p.m. 
Lions Auditorium, Tillsonburg Community Centre - 45 Hardy Ave, Tillsonburg



Woodstock Mayoral Candidates Debate hosted by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce 
Wednesday October 12, 2022 | 7:30 am – 9:00 am 
Royal Canadian Legion in Woodstock – 642 Dundas St, Woodstock

Woodstock Municipal Council Debate hosted by Unifor Local 636 
October 12, 2022 | 6:00 p.m.  
Unifor Local 636 Hall - 126 Beale Street, Woodstock

Woodstock Municipal Mayoral Debate hosted by Unifor Local 636  
October 13, 2022 - 6:00 p.m.  
Unifor Local 636 Hall - 126 Beale Street, Woodstock 



Ingersoll Candidates Debate hosted by Unifor Local 88 
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 | 7:00 p.m.  
Unifor Local 88 Hall at 364 Victoria Street, Ingersoll

Ingersoll Mayoral Debate hosted by Unifor Local 88  
Thursday, September 29, 2022 | 7:00 p.m.  
Unifor Local 88 Hall - 364 Victoria Street, Ingersoll  


East Zorra-Tavistock 

Meet the Candidates hosted by Tavistock Men's Club  
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 | 7:30 p.m.  
Tavistock Men's Club - 3 Adam Street, Tavistock  


Zorra Township 

Candidates forum at Harrington Hall   
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 | 7:00 pm 
Harrington Hall - 539 Victoria Street, Harrington

Candidates Forum hosted by the Thamesford Lions Club  
Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 7:30 p.m. 
Thamesford Public Library Beaty Room - 165 Dundas Street, Thamesford  



All Candidates Meeting hosted by Drumbo Lions Club  
Thursday, October 13, 2022 | Time and location TBD


Don't see your debate listed? If you know of a municipal debate we have missed, please contact


Reducing Poverty Together
Developed a fact sheet for local elected leaders on poverty and social issues in Oxford County, covering access to housing, food, education, and information and services

Woodstock Sentinel Review  
Election news, videos and photos

104.7 Heart FM  
Election campaign news coverage and profiles with candidates

Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing  
Information for voters, advertising guidelines for candidates, and more

Association of Municipalities Ontario

Government of Ontario - Municipal Elections


Running for local office

To be eligible as a candidate in your local area municipality, you must meet the following requirements:

  • A Canadian citizen
  • At least 18 years of age
  • A resident of the municipality you wish to run in, a non-resident owner or tenant of land in the municipality you wish to run in, or the spouse of such non-resident owner or tenant
  • Not legally prohibited from voting
  • Not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office

Nominations open on May 2, 2022 and close at 2:00 p.m. on August 19, 2022. 

Some municipalities have prepared candidate information and nomination packages with general information and nomination filing forms for municipal and school board candidates.

Visit your local area municipality’s website for more information and to see the list of candidates for each position.

The campaign period begins once a nomination paper or notice of registration is filed with the Clerk.

  • Election expenses cannot be incurred outside of the campaign period.
  • Corporations and trade unions are not eligible to contribute to municipal election campaigns. This includes all council and school board elections. Corporations and trade unions can be third-party advertisers and make contributions to third-party advertisers.
  • A candidate who does not accept any contributions of money, or incur any expenses, is not required to open a separate election bank account.
  • Nomination filing fee is not considered a campaign expense.
  • Candidates are responsible for keeping records of the financial activities related to their campaign. Remember to issue receipts for all donations of goods or services, obtain receipts for expenses incurred, and keep copies of all receipts.
  • It is the responsibility of the candidate to file a complete and accurate financial statement on time. Candidates should completely familiarize themselves with the appropriate sections of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996.
I want to...

Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
Fax: 519-537-1053

General Email: 
Email HR (Job Opportunities):

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(open during lunch)

For an emergency outside of regular hours, please call 1-800-755-0394 and listen for instructions for after-hours emergency calls.

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Department Directory

The County of Oxford is the upper tier to eight Area Municipalities and is responsible for the provision of a wide range of services to its residents.

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Oxford County Map

Oxford County offers many geographic data services and mapping products through the Corporate Geographic Information System (GIS).

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