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Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC)

On March 22, 2022, the federal and provincial governments signed the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) agreement, aimed at lowering child care costs and improving access, quality and inclusion across Ontario’s child care and early years sector. 

CWELCC Information for Families

Oxford County is committed to building and supporting a child care and early learning system that meets the needs of all families and children.  The Oxford County Child Care Waitlist is an online registry for licensed child care in Oxford County.  This online waitlist eliminates the need to contact multiple child care providers to complete multiple applications.   Parents seeking licensed child care must apply to the waitlist, where they can choose the programs they are interested in, based on their child’s age and preferred start date.   All child care providers offering programs to children aged 0-5 as part of the CWELCC system are included in this centralized waitlist. 

CWELCC Information for Child Care Providers

For information on how to start a child care program, including how to apply for a license, visit the Ministry of Education's Start a Child Care Program website.

Oxford County, as the Consolidated Municipal Service Manager (CMSM) plans, funds and delivers services for the local child care and early years system.  If you are a child care operator who is interested in opening or expanding a licensed child care program, and you have developed a viable business plan and consulted with local municipal planning and by-law departments, please submit an expression of interest in writing to to request the CWELCC Expansion Application package.  Expansion approvals are subject to space and funding availability.  Oxford County does not guarantee approval of applications into the CWELCC system.

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