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Drinking water systems

Oxford County owns and operates 17 Drinking Water Systems servicing 21 communities. To find out what Drinking Water System your community is connected to, see the list below. For more detailed information on each Drinking Water System, please read the most recent Drinking Water System Performance Report for your system. The County’s water supply is exclusively from groundwater sources.

The Beachville drinking water system is a small municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Bright drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Brownsville drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

Dereham Centre
The Dereham Centre drinking water system is a small municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Drumbo-Princeton drinking water system serves Drumbo and Princeton through a transmission watermain. It is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 107/03.

The Embro drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Hickson drinking water system is a small municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Ingersoll drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Innerkip drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Lakeside drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

Mount Elgin
The Mount Elgin drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

Oxford South
The Oxford South drinking water system serves the communities of Norwich, Otterville and Springford. The communities are interconnected by transmission mains. It is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Plattsville drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Tavistock drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Thamesford drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Tillsonburg drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

The Woodstock drinking water system is a large municipal water system as defined by Regulation 170/03.

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Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
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