Don’t fall behind in an emergency, make sure to check your emergency supply kits when you are changing your clocks this weekend

Clocks and stocks graphicWhen it’s time to change your clocks this weekend, use that extra hour of daylight to check your 72-hour emergency preparedness kit.

Oxford County’s Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks campaign is reminding people to refresh their emergency supplies now before a disaster occurs. It is important to be prepared as the coming months can bring unpredictable emergencies, including ice storms and power outages.

Make sure your emergency stockpile has enough food, water and supplies to last you and your family for three days. Check that your kit isn’t missing any essential items and replace any expired food. If you have a new pet, don’t forget to add their food and a water bowl, too.  

Ensure your kit has a flashlight with working batteries and, as always, also check the batteries in your smoke detectors. As a reminder, old batteries should not go in your curbside garbage:  recycle old or leaky batteries for free at Oxford County Waste Management Facility or Woodstock’s EnviroDepot.

If you haven’t created an emergency kit yet, now is the time to create one. If you're not sure what to include, check out the full emergency supplies checklist and read the top 5 things to do now.

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