Public Notice: Oxford Road 35 (Devonshire Avenue)
Intersection Improvements - Notice of Construction
About this project
Oxford County is continuing pedestrian safety upgrades throughout the County. Intersection pedestrian signal upgrades began at the end of June and are expected to be complete by the end of August.
Construction will include the installation of pedestrian activated traffic signals on Oxford Road 35 (Devonshire Avenue) at the intersection of Brompton Avenue and Blossom Park Road. Construction will also include sidewalk ramp improvements, street lighting upgrades, and landscaping and restoration.
Traffic control
This work is planned to be completed using a lane shift where both east and westbound traffic will be maintained. Left turns onto Brompton Avenue and Blossom Park Road may be affected.
Emergency services and buses will be notified of all road closures and lane restrictions.
Stay safe and alert when driving or walking near the work area during construction. Respect work zones and obey traffic signs. Maintain a safe distance from construction equipment and vehicles entering and leaving the site.
Equipment vibrations
Construction equipment can cause vibrations during construction. Please ensure you protect any valuables susceptible to damage.
Private sprinkler systems, landscaping or fencing
Please remove all items on Oxford County property in advance of construction. The County is not lease remove all items on Oxford County property in advance of construction. The County is not responsible for damage to private landscaping items located on County property.
Garbage & recycling
No disruption to garbage and recycling collection is expected for this project.
Lawn restoration
Following construction, the contractor will place new sod on affected properties and water it as needed for 30 days after placement. After the 30 days, the sod maintenance and watering becomes the property owner’s responsibility as it was prior to construction.
Contact for information
Sean McLaren
Public Works Technologist
Oxford County
519-539-9800, ext. 3133