Oxford County is installing a new all-way stop at Oxford Road 28 (Maplewood Sideroad) and the 16th Line intersection in East Zorra-Tavistock.

The new all-way stop will include the following:

  • Oversized all-way stop signs with red flashing beacons for north-south directions on 16th Line
  • Oversized stop ahead signs on the north-south approaches to alert drivers of the approaching stop signs
  • Stop bar pavement marking adjustments to improve driver sightlines where trees partially obstruct views for approaching westbound and eastbound traffic.

The all-way stop at Maplewood Sideroad and 16th Line will activate on September 16 pending any delays because of adverse weather.

Read the Council report: PW 2024-30 – All-Way Stop at Oxford Road 28 and 16th Line, Township of East Zorra-Tavistock