Climate change, HART Hub funding, wetlands restoration and more


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Addressing climate change in Oxford County

County Council will review an outline on October 9 for how Oxford County will begin to address the impacts of climate change. The Climate Action Plan, a goal set in the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, will look at community-led climate mitigation, for instance, through measures like reducing carbon emissions, as well as climate adaptation, which is specific to how the County manages services and infrastructure to mitigate climate impacts to food and agriculture, business and economy, the natural environment, and people and communities. The report includes a description of the public consultation process leading to the development of the Climate Action Plan in 2025.

CAO 2024-06 – Climate Change in Oxford County: Current State and Next Steps



Support for HART Hub application

Oxford County is supporting an Oxford Ontario Health Team (Oxford OHT) application to become one of 19 “HART Hubs,” a three-year demonstration project to address Homelessness and Addiction Recovery (HART). If selected for the provincial funding, Oxford OHT and its partners could receive up to $6.3 million for each year of the program and an additional $1.8 million for start-up costs. The program would fund services that provide individuals with substance abuse, addiction, mental health, and overall social services, with the aim of reducing homelessness and addiction in the community.

HS 2024-11: Application for Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hub Funding – Oxford Ontario Health Team



Wetland restoration agreement

County Council is being asked to approve a 20-year agreement with Ducks Unlimited Canada to maintain and preserve naturalization of an additional wetland constructed at the south end of the Hodges Pond Wetland Complex in Norwich Township. Progressive restoration work has been ongoing at the site since 2016, creating a dynamic landscape that promotes biodiversity, provides new habitat for waterfowl and wildlife, establishes natural flood control, and improves water quality in the Cedar Creek watershed. Ducks Unlimited Canada and its partners are contributing $17,050 to the project as part of a 20-year agreement to ensure long-term stewardship and conservation of the property.

PW 2024-40 – Curries Road Wetland Conservation Agreement



Other reports and presentations

  • Public meeting and Report CP 2024-300: Application for Official Plan Amendment OP 22-19-7 – Lindprop Corp.
  • PW 2024-37: Single Source and Early Procurement of Woodingford Lodge Woodstock Air Handler Units
  • PW 2024-38: Contract Award – Bowerhill Booster Pumping Station, Woodstock
  • PW 2024-39: Contract Award – Lansdowne Avenue Sanitary Pumping Station (SPS) and Sanitary Sewer Extension, City of Woodstock
  • CS 2024-35: OILC Financing Application – Tillsonburg



Questions or comments?                                                       

Council this Week previews the Oxford County Council meeting agenda for residents, community partners and employees. Please send your questions and comments to