Community Safety Zones, 10-Year Shelter Plan, additional residential units in townships and more


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Community safety zones

County Council receives the list of 21 proposed locations for Community Safety Zones next council meeting. Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, municipalities can designate Community Safety Zones in areas where public safety is a concern, for instance near schools, community and recreation centres, or senior residences. Community Safety Zones are identified by signage and allow for enhanced speed control enforcement applications (i.e., increased fines for speeding).  With Council’s approval, the new Community Safety Zones would be put into effect this year. See map of proposed locations

PW 2023-05 - Community Safety Zone Implementation


Progress report on 10-Year Shelter Plan

The County’s annual update on the 10-Year Shelter Plan comes forward at the February 8 Council meeting. The plan, a requirement under the Housing Services Act, reports that in 2022:

  • 68 additional households received a rent subsidy.
  • Three rental housing projects were completed, two in Woodstock and one in Blandford-Blenheim, adding a total of 92 new affordable units.
  • Two new housing developments were initiated in Tillsonburg and Woodstock, and a third was allocated funding, also in Woodstock.
  • The My Second Unit program was launched, providing residents with funding to add a secondary unit.
  • Down payment assistance loans were provided for Habitat for Humanity projects in Drumbo and Tillsonburg.
  • The Master Housing Strategy was adopted to provide a comprehensive and outcome-based plan with objectives and targets to support the vision of affordable housing for all.

The report notes that rising interest rates and increasing construction costs continue to have an impact on the financial feasibility of affordable housing projects, and that rising purchase prices and interest rates presented challenges for the Home Ownership Program this past year. With Oxford County continuing to face a housing crisis, where housing demand greatly outweighs the supply, finding suitable and affordable housing continues to be an issue for many in our community.

HS 2023-03 - 2022 Annual Progress Report – 10 Year Shelter Plan


Additional residential units in townships

A report before County Council on February 8 is recommending amendments to Oxford County’s Official Plan to allow additional residential units in Oxford’s rural townships (Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Norwich, South-West Oxford and Zorra). A Council decision on the proposed amendment was deferred last October so that staff could examine any implications from the recently enacted More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022.

Additional residential units are smaller, separate dwelling units that are within a principal dwelling or another structure on the same lot, for instance basement apartments, attached suites, tiny homes or coach houses. Under the Act, municipalities must now generally permit up to two additional residential units on a residential property located within a settlement served by both municipal water and wastewater services, if there is adequate servicing capacity and applicable zoning requirements can be met. The Official Plan amendment meets the provincial requirements for Oxford’s fully serviced villages and further proposes that additional residential units are allowed in areas outside of fully serviced settlement areas-- for instance villages, hamlets, rural residential lots and agricultural properties-- subject to certain conditions.

CP 2023-20 - Supplemental Report 2, Proposed Official Plan Amendment (OP 22-16-9) Additional Residential Units in Rural Areas Post-Bill 23


Intersection changes at Oxford Roads 33 & 59

County Council is being asked to authorize a by-law that will allow for an all-way stop and reduced speeds at the intersection of Oxford Road 59 and Oxford Road 33 in East Zorra-Tavistock. With the proposed change, the speed limit would be reduced to 60 km/hr from 80 km/hr in all directions at 500 metres from the intersection. Other safety features to be installed include an overhead flashing light, oversized stop signs with mounted red flashing beacons, rumble strips, and electronic speed feedback signs on all four approaches. These road intersection improvements were identified in the County’s 2023 Business Plan and Budget, which was approved in January.

PW 2023-06 - All-way Stop and Speed Reduction - Oxford Road 33 and Oxford Road 59 Intersection


Shared asset management services

A proposal before County Council on February 8 would see Oxford County partner with the Townships of Norwich, Zorra, Blandford-Blenheim and South-West Oxford for asset management services. Sharing asset management services will bring efficiencies to all partners by drawing on the skills and strengths of different staff across the municipalities, and through collaboration and sharing of asset management tools, frameworks and reporting.

Asset Management is the process of managing a municipality’s physical infrastructure-- such as roads, water and wastewater systems, buildings and more—so they are reliable, efficient, and sustainable into the future.

CS 2023-05 - Asset Management Shared Services Agreement


Other reports and presentations

  • Delegation: Raising of Pan-African Flag for Black History Month - Suzanne Phillips, Oxford Caribbean Canadian Association
  • Memo: Public Works - Oxford County 2024 Transportation Master Plan Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study – Phase 1 & 2, Notice of Public Consultation Centre #2 (Virtual), Oxford County


Questions or comments?                                                                   

Council this Week highlights Council activities for the public, employees and community partners. Please send your questions and comments to