From Council this Week - Highlights from the November 13 County Council meeting agenda

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Oxford County Council received the Draft 2025 Business Plan and Budget at the November 13 council meeting. This is the first step in Council's review and discussion of next year's budget. The final 2025 Budget, including any changes resulting from the special budget meetings, is before County Council for final approval on December 11, 2024.

Through a total proposed budget of $422.0 million, the draft budget includes:

  • a $291.0 million operating budget to deliver County programs and services, including those that provide affordable housing, support for vulnerable and unhoused people, safe drinking water, traffic calming and road safety, paramedic services, long-term care at Woodingford Lodge, reliable municipal infrastructure, community planning and development, provincial offences administration, County library services, and more
  • a $131.0 million capital plan for municipal infrastructure and $79.2 million in capital reserve transfers for future funding for roads, bridges, water and wastewater infrastructure, facilities, information technology and more under Oxford County's Asset Management Plan

The County share of municipal taxes, collected from each of Oxford's eight area municipalities through the tax levy, is proposed at $98.8 million for 2025. This would result in an average municipal tax increase, on an average residential household, of $137 for the year, or just under $12 a month. This number is an estimate only and subject to change through the budget process and the final MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) assessment roll released at year-end.

Municipal property taxes fund just under a quarter of the County budget (23.4%). Other funding sources include provincial and federal funding, reserves (funds earmarked for future expenses), user fees and charges (e.g., water and wastewater rates collected by utilities), and other charges and debentures. Municipal tax increases in recent years have also been offset by growth in the County's municipal tax base as a result of population growth.