William St. SPS, Tavistock

The Public Consultation Centre to update the community on the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for a sanitary servicing solution in the William Street area of Tavistock is cancelled for November 7, 2023. This meeting will be rescheduled for another time in early 2024.

Please check the project webpage for updates: https://speakup.oxfordcounty.ca/william-street-sps-tavistock

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study

Oxford County is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study to select the most appropriate design concept for a sanitary servicing solution in the William Street area of Tavistock. The design will support ongoing sanitary servicing needs and anticipated community growth to the year 2046. 

About the study

The William Street Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) receives sewage from homes, businesses and institutions within the William Street SPS study area (refer to Study Area map). Oxford County initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study that is considering a wide range of SPS and/or collection system alternatives in order to select the most appropriate conceptual design that will support ongoing wastewater servicing needs to the year 2046.

The Class EA study is being planned in accordance with the planning and design process for Schedule B projects as outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2023), which is an approved process under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act.

We want to hear from you

Consultation with stakeholders is a key component of the study process and input will be sought throughout the study.

An in-person Public Consultation Centre (PCC) is being held to provide a project update, present the alternative servicing solutions, and present the evaluation criteria for selecting the preferred servicing solution.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - CANCELLED
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Tavistock & District Recreation Centre, Upper Hall
1 Adam St., Tavistock

The project team is seeking community input on the presented material. Materials will be posted to the project website after the meeting: www.speakup.oxfordcounty.ca/william-street-sps-tavistock

Comments are welcome and should be submitted by Monday, November 20, 2023. You can submit your comments or questions through the project website or by contacting the project leads, listed below.

To receive project updates, subscribe to the study mailing list through one of the contacts below.


Gemma Charlebois, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
Technical Manager, Water/Wastewater
MTE Consultants Inc.
519-743-6500 ext. 1227

Don Ford, BA, CMM III, C.Tech.
Manager, Water and Wastewater Services
Oxford County
519-539-9800 ext. 3191