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Oxford Stewardship Award nominees Cobi and Steve Sauder

Posted on Monday, January 29, 2024 10:45 AM

Steve and Cobi Sauder – A legacy of conservation

Cobi and Steve Sauder have dedicated their lives to outdoor education and conservation. Cobi is an outdoor education teacher, and Steve is a retiree who enjoyed a rewarding career with the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. 

Cobi says they have always taken pride in being good caretakers and land stewards at their 100-acre property in Zorra Township.

“We felt privileged to be afforded the opportunity to live on a 100-acre farm, so we just...

Oxford Stewardship Award nominees Greg and Marsha Litt

Posted on Monday, January 29, 2024 10:41 AM

Greg and Marsha Litt – Building a wetland  

Marsha and Greg Litt didn't waste time rolling up their sleeves and getting to work after purchasing their 60-acre property near Ingersoll three and a half years ago.

First on the list was removing some dead American cranberry bushes to make room for a small shallow wetland in a low-lying wet area of their property. The couple then started working with the Upper Thames Conservation Authority to help with grants and the approval process to establish a new...

Oxford Stewardship Award nominee Paul Brenneman

Posted on Monday, January 29, 2024 10:29 AM

Paul Brenneman – Farming and land stewardship, what a wonderful mix

Farmers in Oxford County have always been tremendous stewards of the land, and Paul Brenneman certainly lives up to that reputation.

Working with Phil Holst from Ducks Unlimited, Brenneman recently created two small wetland sites on his property after losing several ash trees. Brenneman says the loss of ash trees created the opportunity to dig. 

“For us, it was an area in the forest that was dead that we wanted to revitalize and...

Make a difference in your community by joining an Advisory Committee

Posted on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 10:46 AM

Please see the update to this news release issued on March 5, 2024, in the NewsroomApply today to join the Accessibility Advisory Committee

Oxford County seeks engaged citizens looking to make a difference in our community by joining the Active Transportation or Accessibility Advisory Committees. Each committee has one opening for a citizen member for the remainder of the 2023-2026 council term. Committee members work collaboratively to provide advice and recommendations to Oxford County Council...

Council this Week: Highlights from the January 10 County Council agenda - 2024011

Posted on Friday, January 19, 2024 04:23 PM

Legacy oil and gas wells, Future Oxford and more

County Council meetings are broadcast live at To download the full agenda or view past recordings of council meetings, visit

Legacy oil and gas wells

County Council will consider next council meeting an opportunity to receive funding from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry for emergency management activities relating to legacy oil and gas wells in Oxford County. The Ministry is...