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Working at the County

Oxford County’s Strategic Plan

Oxford County's Strategic Plan puts forward a vision for a vibrant community committed to the prosperity of its people and to the principle of partnership that ties together Oxford’s eight area municipalities.

The Strategic Plan is a planning guideline for the County of Oxford, the region’s upper-tier government. It serves as an important tool for setting priorities, making decisions, and managing operations for years to come.

What we strive for

Our vision: Vibrant communities, working well and growing stronger ... together!

Our mission: To serve the needs and advance the collective interests of our communities, residents and businesses through customer-focused services that improve quality of life.

Our values: Excellence, accountability, innovation, integrity, teamwork.

See the Our vision, mission, and values details.


Oxford County has developed a competency-based framework to provide employees with an understanding of the competencies required to do their job successfully and to support the organization’s Strategic Plan.

Oxford County’s core competencies:

  • Strategic thinking
  • Fostering innovation
  • Service excellence and teamwork
  • Accountability and integrity

The Competency Framework Handbook provides more details about our core and leadership competencies and the expectations that support them.

Our People, Our Strength

The 2018-2020 Our People, Our Strength plan describes the specific actions we will undertake over the next few years to enable the County to attract, retain and develop the highest quality staff. The Our People, Our Strength plan demonstrates how we are committed to employing people who make a positive difference, by providing employees with the opportunities to help them grow in their career with Oxford County.

Current career opportunities

What Oxford County can offer

We are a County that thinks ahead and wisely shapes the future. Through our strategic planning process and Vision to Action initiatives, we are preparing for the future in Oxford County.

Oxford County places a significant amount of value on personal and organizational safety and wellness by ensuring all minimum legal requirements are met or exceeded. Our wellness committee educates employees about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle on the job and at home. Employees and their families also have access to an assistance program to help with personal wellness matters both at work and at home.

Employee recognition allows us to celebrate the commitment, dedication and contributions of staff who make Oxford County a great place to work. Through our Applauding Commitment and Excellence (ACE) program, we acknowledge the achievements of long serving employees and our Awards of Excellence nominees and recipients. This program also encourages employees to recognize peers who demonstrate our core values in their day to day work.

ace award logo

Oxford County offers more than just an annual salary. Our compensation package, including benefits and programs such as health and dental coverage and the OMERS pension plan, keeps us competitive in the market.

We are a County that thinks ahead and wisely shapes the future.

The County provides staff with the tools and resources to plan and develop their own careers. We also offer a training program for those who aspire to move into a leadership role and continue to create new opportunities in support of employee development and the Our People, Our Strength plan.

I want to...

Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
Fax: 519-537-1053

General Email: 
Email HR (Job Opportunities):

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(open during lunch)

For an emergency outside of regular hours, please call 1-800-755-0394 and listen for instructions for after-hours emergency calls.

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Department Directory

The County of Oxford is the upper tier to eight Area Municipalities and is responsible for the provision of a wide range of services to its residents.

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Oxford County Map

Oxford County offers many geographic data services and mapping products through the Corporate Geographic Information System (GIS).

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