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Recruitment Process

Unionized positions are posted in accordance with the respective collective agreements. Non-union positions are posted internally for 5 working days and may be posted externally for the same amount of time.

Resumes are accepted via e-mail ( The County does not keep resumes on file and only accepts resumes for posted positions.

Resumes are pre-screened against the job description requirements and the County’s competency framework. Only candidates that are selected for an interview will be contacted.

Candidates are typically interviewed by a panel comprised of the supervisor of the vacant position and a representative from Human Resources. In some instances, job-related testing may be administered and/or a second interview with selected candidates may occur as part of the process. 

A minimum of 3 work-related references (preferably supervisory) are required.

An offer of employment is made to the selected candidate. Unsuccessful candidates who were interviewed will also be contacted.

Helpful tips when applying

Learn more about getting your foot in the door at Oxford County with the following tips and information.

A cover letter allows you to: supplement the information in your résumé; convey the unique qualities you can bring to the position and the organization; and add a more personal touch to your application. When writing your cover letter, consider the following tips:

  • Be concise.
  • Tailor your cover letter to both the position and qualifications in the posting.
  • Proofread your cover letter to ensure there are no spelling, typing or grammatical errors.
  • Show that you know something about our organization.

Like a cover letter, you will want to ensure that your résumé is concise and clearly identifies how you meet the minimum qualifications as required in the job posting. Think of your resume as a story of achievement rather than a compilation of job duties. Below are some suggestions to keep in mind when creating your resume for Oxford County:

  • Proofread it. Twice. It is difficult to over-emphasize the importance of proofreading your resume. Proofreading it once is not enough, so do it twice, and maybe even get someone else to do it, too.
  • Consider the length. There are no definitive rules governing the length of your resume. Generally speaking, try to limit yourself to a maximum of two pages.
  • Tailor your resume. Using keywords and information from the job posting, demonstrate how your competencies and achievements match those of the County and the position you’re applying to.
  • Be specific. List the actual months of employment, rather than just years (i.e., February 2009 – November 2012). Include numbers, percentages, dollar amounts, or other key details to back up your claims rather than simply mentioning them.
  • Limit employment history details. Positions that you held years ago may still be relevant and we suggest that you list them. However, only provide detailed information regarding the most recent and applicable experience related to the position you are applying for.
  • Put the most important information first: In general, the most important information is your education and relevant experience, so put those at the top. Make it easy for someone to read quickly.

Before the interview

  • Research: take time to check out our website and familiarize yourself with the organization. Find out about the issues and topics that are important to the County and ensure that you have a good understanding of the position that you are being interviewed for.
  • Prepare yourself: What is it about your competencies and experiences that make you an appealing candidate? Think about how your strengths and competencies match this job. Look carefully at the job posting, the list of qualifications and the job description, because the interview questions will be based on these qualifications. Be prepared to explain specific situations from your past and to provide details regarding the problem you faced, the action you took, and the results you achieved.
  • Notify us if accommodation is required: The County is willing to accommodate you to meet special needs, such as accessibility needs, at the time of the interview. If you need anything specific please inform us in advance so that we can help to make this a positive experience.

During the interview

  • Interviews generally last 45 minutes, but may be longer or shorter depending on the position.
  • Some interviews will include a practical component, such as a test or assignment.
  • It is common practice for there to be at least two County staff members present as part of the interview process.
  • Most of our interview questions are behavioural and focus on past experiences and behaviours. When asked these types of questions, focus on answering what has been asked and staying on track. Keep your responses concise, structured and based on the question asked. Feel free to jot down your thoughts and refer to those notes so that you stay focused as you respond.
  • Listen carefully to the question being asked. If you are unclear as to what the question is asking, please ask the panelist to repeat it and obtain further clarification if necessary.
  • Throughout the interview, you will be able to ask any questions that you may have about the position, the organization, and/or the recruitment process.

Accommodation Disclaimer

Oxford County is committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity, you should advise the Human Resources staff member in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which you feel you need to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.

MFIPPA Reference

Please note that, in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, resumes are only accepted in response to advertised vacancies. We do not keep resumes on file, if they were not submitted in response to a posted competition. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

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Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
Fax: 519-537-1053

General Email: 
Email HR (Job Opportunities):

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(open during lunch)

For an emergency outside of regular hours, please call 1-800-755-0394 and listen for instructions for after-hours emergency calls.

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