Water Capacity Buy-Back Program
Oxford County is committed to the long-term sustainability of its environment, financial resources, and infrastructure. Through the Water Capacity Buy-Back Program, the County offers local businesses and institutions an opportunity to do the same. The program offers:
- financial incentives of up to 50% of the total cost of qualifying water-conscious upgrades and retrofits;
- savings through reduced water consumption at businesses or facilities; and,
- contribution to the long-term sustainability of our groundwater resources.
About the program
Businesses, “ICI” sector (industrial, commercial and institutional facilities), and multi-residential units (e.g., apartment buildings) are eligible. To qualify for a water capacity buy-back rebate, your application must demonstrate water savings through one of the following projects:
- Retrofit: Replacing high water use fixtures (such as shower heads, faucets, toilets, dishwashers, washing machines, rinse tanks, etc.) with lower-flow options.
- Upgrade: Implementing greywater (water from sinks or washing machines) reuse or rainwater harvesting projects (such as blue roof or cistern for vehicle washing, etc.).
- Process optimization: Altering or adapting an industrial processes or technology to conserve water (e.g., by using process water recirculation/recovery, water-smart irrigation systems, cooling tower replacement, etc.), with the potential to show the savings through a water audit.
If your project qualifies, you may receive to a maximum of $100,000:
- up to 50% of the total cost of the project;
- a maximum of up to $0.75 per litre of water saved per day
Applications should be sent directly to Oxford County. To apply, please submit a brief technical report, prepared by a qualified professional, that includes:
- description of the project;
- implementation costs; and,
- summary of achieved* or anticipated water savings.
Applications can be submitted to: water@oxfordcounty.ca. Interested applicants may first reach out for a brief consultation or to ask questions about the application process.
*Recent projects within the last three (3) years may be considered based on funding availabiity.
The Water Capacity Buy-Back Program benefits local businesses in important ways. It offers direct financial incentives or rebates for water conservation projects and the potential for reduced water bills. It also provides an opportunity to demonstrate corporate responsibility through environmental sustainability.
The community also benefits from projects that help conserve our groundwater resources.
- Impactful water conservation measures help manage water demand, mitigating the potential size and prolonging the timing for future water system upgrades.
- Water conservation helps ensure the long-term sustainability of, and mange costs for, the County’s water infrastructure.