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Public Notice: Proposed speed management and road safety improvements in Norwich Township

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With strong population growth and increased traffic across our communities, Oxford County has been undertaking speed management, traffic calming, and road safety investigations over the past four years to improve safety on County roads.

Road safety reviews consider community perceptions of road safety; the need for intersection improvements and/or pedestrian crossings; traffic speed and volume; posted speed; collision data; and other factors. As a result of reviews in Norwich Township, Oxford County is recommending additional traffic calming measures to roads in these areas.


Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road)


Oxford Road 13 (West Street)

Oxford Road 19 (Main Street)

County Council presentation

Members of the community are invited to learn more and/or to present comments to Oxford County Council on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. The County Council meeting starts at 9:30 a.m.

If you would like to present comments to County Council, you must make a request to the County Clerk at by June 7, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. You can fill out a delegation request form online at

County Council meetings are broadcast live at

About the recommendations

Speeding, which poses a serious risk to public safety and property, is influenced by factors other than posted speed limits. Research has shown that speed is largely influenced by the surrounding driving environment and that most drivers travel at a speed they consider comfortable. For this reason, the County's recommendations focus on proven measures to reduce speed by adjusting speed zone

boundaries and providing visual cues, like:

  • electronic speed feedback signs
  • traffic-calming measures (community safety zones, school zones, pedestrian crossings, lane narrowing)
  • community entrance features (community boundary signs, street lights, landscaping)

Proposed road safety improvements for Curries - Oxford Road 40

  • A 70 km/h speed zone on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) east of the built-up area in Curries
  • An electronic speed feedback sign on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) for westbound traffic where the 70 km/h zone begins
  • Adjusting 60 km/h speed zone on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) to better align with the built up limits of Curries
  • "Hidden Driveway" signs installed westbound and eastbound on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) near the vertical curve at the east limits of the 70 km/h speed zone to warn motorists of upcoming entrances

Proposed road safety improvements - Springford (Oxford Road 19 and Oxford Road 13)

  • Electronic speed feedback signs at all four approaches in to Springford: north and south ends of Oxford Road 13 (West Street), and at the west and east ends of Oxford Road 19 (Main Street)
  • Adjusting 50 km/h zone limits at the north and south ends of Oxford Road 13 (West Street) to align with the village limits and limits of the built up area
  • Adjusting 50 km/h zone on Oxford Road 19 (Main Street) to a 60 km/h zone and extending zone limits at the west end of the community to better align with the limits of the built up area
  • Implementing a Community Safety Zone on Oxford Road 19 (Main Street) and aligning with the limits of the 60 km/h zone
  • Extending current street lighting on Oxford Road 19 (Main Street) further west to align with the 60 km/h zone limit
  • Relocating community boundary sign on the south end of Oxford Road 13 (West Street) to better align with village limits

Learn more about Oxford County’s road safety projects at


Frank Gross
Manager of Transportation and Waste

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