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PUBLIC NOTICE: Proposed intersection improvements at Punkeydoodles Corners

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November 29, 2023

Update: Next steps for intersection improvements

Oxford County Council reviewed and approved recommended changes to the Punkeydoodles Corners intersection at its November 22 council meeting. These recommendations are at Perth County Council on December 7 and Township of Wilmot Council on December 11.

The recommendations follow a joint study by Oxford County, Perth County, Wilmot Township and Region of Waterloo and include the following: 

  • closing the intersections at Oxford Road 24 (Perth Oxford Road) and Perth Road 101, and Huron Road and Perth Road 101;
  • realigning the intersection at Perth Road 101 and Perth Road 101A, along with new turning lanes and upgraded illumination in this area; and,
  • changing the Punkeydoodles Avenue and Oxford Road 5 intersection to a three-way (tee) intersection, which includes a stop control on Punkeydoodles Avenue.

Oxford County has carried out some intersection improvements over this fall, including removing trees to improve sightlines, installing electronic speed feedback signs, and installing additional reflectors along the east side of the curve. 

On approval from all municipal councils, road work to carry out the proposed intersection improvements will begin in summer 2024, with the estimated $1 million in costs funded equally among the municipalities. At its November 22 meeting, Oxford County indicated it will monitor how the changes impact traffic behaviour and road safety for consideration of potential future improvements. 



October 24, 2023

Proposed intersection improvements at Punkeydoodles Corners

On October 5, 2023, Oxford County, Perth County, Township of Wilmot and the Region of Waterloo presented the findings and proposed recommendations of the Intersection Control Feasibility Study that was completed for Punkeydoodles Corners.

Based on the study findings and public feedback, we are now proceeding with the following changes to address some of the operational issues that have been identified:

  • removing the tree row on the Perth Road 101 curve to improve sightlines (complete);
  • installing electronic speed feedback signs at the north and south approaches to the curve;
  • installing additional diamond reflectors along the east side of the curve;
  • removing centreline painting on the curve at Rd 101A intersection.

The proposed recommendations for intersection improvements identified in the study would proceed in 2024 if approved by respective municipal Councils and will include the following:

  • closing the intersections at Oxford Road 24/ Perth Oxford Road and Perth Road 101 (marked 3 on the map) and Huron Road and Perth Road 101 (4 on the map);
  • realigning the intersection at Perth Road 101 and Perth Road 101A (2 on the map) and also upgrading illumination and making sightline improvements in this area;
  • adding both a new southbound left turn deceleration lane on Perth Road 101 and a northbound right turn deceleration lane (2 on the map);
  • adding a new stop sign for westbound traffic on Punkeydoodles Avenue, and then removing the northbound / southbound stop signs at intersection 1 on Oxford Road 5.

Map of proposed recommendations

 map of location

Presentation to Oxford County Council

The proposed road safety changes are before Oxford County Council next month for review and consideration. Members of the community are invited to learn more and/or to present comments at Oxford County Council as a delegate:

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Council meeting starts at 9:30 a.m
Watch live at

If you want to make a delegation presentation or provide written comments to Council, you must do so by Wed., Nov. 15, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.

Send written comments to the County Clerk at or fill out a delegation request at

To read the full Council report that will be considered at the November 22 County Council meeting, please check  on Friday, November 17, when the council agenda and reports are published on the Oxford County website.

Download the printed handout version of this notice *Note this PDF is not fully accessible

More information

Frank Gross, C.Tech.
Manager, Transportation and Waste Management
Oxford County
519-539-9800, ext 3120

Neighbouring Council dates

Perth County Council
December 7, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.
Contact the Clerk’s office to make a delegation request

Township of Wilmot Council
December 11, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Contact the Clerk’s office to make a delegation request

Learn more at

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