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Pilot program continues to divert agricultural wrap from the landfill

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Agricultural plastics diversion pilot program graphicOxford County is reminding farmers about the pilot program for agricultural plastics at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility (OCWMF).

Oxford County provides collection bags to area farmers free of charge, which is collected at the Waste Management Facility for recycling. The agriculture program accepts silage bags, bunker covers, bale wraps, fertilizer bags, and salt bags (black, blue, and white) for $50/tonne. All materials must be reasonably clean and free of contamination. Materials must be sorted according to type, packed in appropriate bags, and tied up. Loose materials and materials with excessive dirt will not be accepted and categorized as garbage. Unacceptable materials include net wrap and twine mesh.

Oxford County farmers generate approximately 300 tonnes of bale and silage wrap annually. In 2023, five tonnes of agricultural plastics were collected from this program and diverted from the landfill. 

Local farmers may request collection bags by contacting the Waste Management Facility at or 1-800-755-0394. The agricultural wrap pilot program supports Oxford County’s Zero Waste Plan and goal of extending the landfill to the year 2100.

For more information, please visit

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