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Oxford County approves 2024 Business Plan and Budget

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Key investments include affordable housing, homelessness response, community paramedicine, long-term care, and investment in public works infrastructure

Oxford County Council approved the 2024 Business Plan and Budget today, authorizing a general tax levy (the amount to be paid through taxation) of $82.6 million, a 16.7% increase over 2023.

Based on the MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) average current value assessment of a single family detached residential home in Oxford County, the typical homeowner will see an increase of approximately $154 for the year.

The budget increase responds to cost pressures still driven by the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts and recovery, bringing in a budget that emphasizes affordable housing, homelessness response, paramedic services, and long-term care.

Through a total budget of $349.5 million ($245.9 million operating budget and $103.6 million capital plan), Oxford County’s 2024 business plan responds to these pressures while investing in initiatives that meet its mission to improve Oxford’s social, environmental, and economic well-being.

This includes programs and services that provide affordable housing, support for vulnerable and unhoused people, safe drinking water, traffic calming and road safety, and community paramedicine to redirect some types of care from emergency rooms.

It also supports Oxford County in meeting new requirements and directives under Ontario’s Fixing Long-Term Care Act; staffing to support the increased demand for services; and preparing waste management programs for upcoming provincial changes.

Of the total general levy increase of $11.8 million, $7.7 million (10.9%) can be attributed to greater demand for municipal services following the rapid population growth that occurred over the pandemic, as well as higher demand for housing and shelter, healthcare, and social services.

The remaining $4.1 million (5.9%) reflects base budget increases, of which $1.8 million (2.6%) represents legislative required transfers to fund the 2024 budgets of the Conservation Authorities and Southwestern Public Health. Oxford County’s funding share for Southwestern Public Health increased by 56.0% over 2023 to $4.4 million in 2024. Higher costs for insurance, WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board), supplies and construction are also reflected in the budget.

Capital investment in public works infrastructure, guided Oxford County’s Asset Management Plan, is a key part of next year’s budget to ensure that roads, bridges, water, wastewater, stormwater, facilities and other assets can be financially sustained into the future. Projects that are part of the 2024 capital plan include:

  • $14.5 million for construction work to maintain bridges and culverts on Oxford County roads;
  • $4.5 million to expand the Bowerhill booster pumping station for water services in Woodstock;
  • $3.75 million to expand the Lansdowne wastewater pumping station in Woodstock;
  • $2.1 million to expand transitional housing, which offers temporary accommodation to bridge the gap from homelessness to permanent housing;
  • $1.72 million for maintenance and upgrades at social housing sites and $756,250 at Woodingford Lodge sites; and,
  • $1.23 million to replace remaining cast iron water pipelines in Ingersoll.

The 2024 Business Plan and Budget is guided by the new 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, which puts forward 11 goals and 39 initiatives across three broad pillars: 1) Promoting community vitality, 2) Enhancing environmental sustainability, and 3) Fostering progressive government. The budget also considered the 2024 Budget survey, in which respondents said that housing, paramedic services, and long-term care should be considered priorities in 2024.

In addition to the tax levy, the 2024 total budget is funded through $170 million in revenues from  federal and provincial grants, water and wastewater rates, and fees and charges, and $92.1 million from other sources such as development charges, earned interest, and reserves.

The budget approval at today’s regular meeting of County Council follows special budget meetings on November 15 and 29, 2023. To review the 2024 Business Plan and Budget and learn more about the budget planning process, visit



Marcus Ryan, Warden, Oxford County

“This is a budget for extraordinary times: a time when Oxford County is seeing unprecedented growth in its communities; when pressures on our healthcare system and social services continue to climb due to the unprecedented homelessness, mental health, and addictions crisis; and while high interest rates and inflation are creating significant economic challenges.

“It was not an easy decision for County Council to approve a budget increase of this scale. Council’s review of the budget was thorough and considered the needs and expectations of our residents. At the end of the day, it is municipal governments that have the most impact on the day to day lives of our residents, and County Council has passed a budget it believes best serves the people of Oxford County.”


Quick facts

  • Oxford County’s $87.9 million tax levy is made up of $82.6 million for general purposes; $5.2 million for Oxford County Library for all municipalities excluding Woodstock; and $0.08 million to support City of Woodstock’s Court Security costs.
  • Oxford County residents do not pay taxes directly to the County. The County tax levy is added to the tax bill in each area municipality and then transferred to the County from the area municipalities: Blandford-Blenheim, East Zorra-Tavistock, Ingersoll, Norwich, South-West Oxford, Tillsonburg, Woodstock and Zorra.
  • Oxford County’s municipal services to the community include:
    • maintaining and managing County infrastructure, including bridges and highways, drinking water, wastewater, storm water management, and garbage and recycling;
    • delivering social services, ambulance, and long-term care services directed by the provincial government;
    • providing development and community planning for each area municipality and the County as a whole;
    • maintaining county-wide information systems, library services and archives; and,
    • administering Provincial Offences Court.
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