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Notice of Study Commencement: Tavistock Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion

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Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study

Oxford County is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study to explore a range of possibilities for expanding the Tavistock Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in order to determine the most appropriate solution that will support the growing wastewater servicing needs within the Village of Tavistock in the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock.

About the study

Oxford County owns and operates the Tavistock WWTP, which provides treatment for residential and non-residential wastewater generated in the Village of Tavistock. The WWTP consists of three aerated facultative lagoon cells, one effluent storage lagoon, and four intermittent sand filters that polish the WWTP effluent prior to discharge to the Hohner Drain and eventually the Thames River.

Oxford County is initiating a Municipal Class EA Study that will consider a wide range of enhancement options for the Tavistock WWTP. The Study objective is to identify the most cost-effective, environmentally sound, and sustainable approach to provide wastewater treatment capacity at the existing Tavistock WWTP to service the existing sewage flows as well as future growth in the Village of Tavistock. 

About the process

This notice signals the commencement of the Class EA Study which will: define the project; identify and evaluate alternative solutions; and, determine a preferred solution in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities and regulatory agencies. Social, cultural, economic and natural environment impacts will be evaluated and assessed during the Class EA Study.

This study is being carried out in accordance with the requirements of Schedule C of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2024), approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

Public Information Centres (PICs) to present the Study findings are anticipated to be held later in 2024 and will be advertised as the Study progresses. Upon completion of this study, an Environmental Study Report documenting the process will be submitted to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and made available for public review for a minimum period of 30 calendar days.

We want to hear from you

Public, Indigenous, and technical agency consultation is a key component of the Class EA process. If you wish to be placed on the mailing list to receive notices and information, or if you wish to provide comments at any time during the Class EA process, you can do so by contacting the project contacts listed. Project information and updates are on Speak Up, Oxford! at

Project contacts

Rina Kurian, P.Eng.
Project Manager
R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd.
416-497-8600, ext. 1429

Rob Wiersma, P.Eng.
Project Engineer
GM BluePlan Engineering Limited
Oxford County
905-643-6688, ext. 6228

Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

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