Notice of Study Commencement: Oxford Road 4 and 15 (Parkinson Road) intersection, Woodstock
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
About the project

Oxford County is initiating a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the Oxford Road 4 and Oxford Road 15 (Parkinson Road) intersection to review the intersection configuration, traffic operations, and safety.
The 2024 Transportation Master Plan study recommended the implementation of upgrades and improvements to this intersection to accommodate anticipated traffic growth over the next 25 years.
The purpose of this study is to:
- Identify and evaluate alternatives to improve the Oxford Road 4 and Oxford Road 15 intersection;
- Select a preferred solution and evaluate a preferred design concept;
- Complete and document the Class EA Study in accordance with the Municipal and MTO provincial documents;
- Engage interested parties and the public; and,
- Meet the County’s vision “to provide a safe, efficient and sustainable multi-model transportation network.”
About the process
This notice signals the commencement of this Class EA Study, which will define the project; identify and evaluate alternative solutions; and determine a preferred alternative solution in consultation with the public, Indigenous communities, and regulatory
agencies. Any potential impacts of the proposed alternatives on social, cultural, economic, and natural environments will be evaluated and assessed during the Class EA Study.
This project is being completed as a Schedule “C” project in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2024) and a Group “C” MTO Class Environmental Assessment (2024), approved under the Ontario Environmental
Assessment Act.
Upon completion of this study, an Environmental Study Report documenting the process will be submitted to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks and made available for public review for a minimum period of 30 calendar days.
Have your say
Public, Indigenous, and agency consultation is a key component of the Class EA process and will be sought throughout the study. If you wish to be placed on the mailing list to receive notices and information, or if you wish to provide comments at any time during the Class EA Study process, you can do so through the project contacts. Project information and updates are on
Speak Up, Oxford! at
Those interested in this study are invited to participate by:
- Visiting the study website at;
- Subscribing to the study mailing list through the project contacts to receive notices of future consultation opportunities;
- Attending a future Public Consultation Centre (PCC), with more details about future information meetings to be provided closer to the date; or,
- Providing comments or questions online through the study website, or submitting them by email directly to the project contacts.
All comments received through the course of the study will be considered and documented in the Environmental Study Report as part of the public record.
Project contacts
Harry Goossens, P.Eng.
Project Engineer, Oxford County
Martin Van Haren, P.Eng.
Project Engineer, R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
519-681-9916 ext. 5047
Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
This notice first issued on November 6, 2024