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NOTICE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION CENTRE 2: Oxford County Water and Wastewater Master Plan

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Oxford County has initiated the development of a Water and Wastewater Master Plan (W/WW MP) to provide the County with strategic long-term water and wastewater servicing strategies that will support existing servicing needs and accommodate further projected population and employment growth to the year 2046.


About the Water and Wastewater Master Plan

The 2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan (W/WW MP) is a long-term planning document that identifies municipal water treatment, water supply, wastewater collection and wastewater treatment strategies to meet Oxford County’s growth needs and service goals in existing serviced areas. The plan will:

  • Consider population trends and servicing needs across the County;
  • Provide sustainable infrastructure solutions that are consistent with and conform to Provincial policies, legislation and support the County’s Official Plan and strategic initiatives;
  • Identify options for optimizing the effectiveness of the existing water and wastewater infrastructure.

R.V. Anderson Associates Limited has been retained by Oxford County to complete the W/WW MP. Key objectives of the master plan include:

  • Assess the current water and wastewater systems performance and deficiencies;
  • Offer solutions that evaluate full lifecycle costs to understand overall financial implications and sustainability; and,
  • Develop a system plan, which will ensure reliability, redundancy, and security of water resources for existing and future consumers through to the year 2046.

The W/WW MP is being conducted in accordance with the Master Plan requirements of Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 & 2015), approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.


We want to hear from you

Public and technical agency consultation will be fundamental in developing the Master Plan, and members of the public are invited and encouraged to comment on the project at any time during the Study. The Project Team is hosting the study’s second Public Consultation Centre (PCC) to review the draft recommendations of 2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan. This will be a virtual (online) event held:

Representatives from the County and its consultants will be available at the PCC to answer questions and discuss the next steps in the study.

The final Master Plan document will also be posted for public review following endorsement by Council. The PCC will be advertised via social media, published on the project page Speak Up Oxford!

Area Municipalities and registered project followers will receive an email regarding the PCC.


Contacts for more information

Don Ford, CMM III, C. Tech.
Manager, Water and Wastewater
Oxford County 1-800-755-0394 x3191

John Tyrrell, MSc (Eng.), P.Eng
Senior Project Manager
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
519-681-9916 x 5038 


Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

Posted June 13, 2023

This notice originally issued June 9, 2023

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