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Notice of Construction: Main Street & Stover Street, Norwich

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Intersection Traffic Signal Upgrade

Oxford County has awarded a contract to ERTH Holdings Ltd to complete traffic signal upgrades at the intersection of Main Street (Oxford Road 18) and Stover Street (Oxford Road 59) in Norwich. Work will include replacement of existing traffic signal equipment, new audible pedestrian signals, sidewalk ramps and intersection repaving.

Construction is expected to begin in May 2023.

Traffic control

The intersection of Main Street (Oxford Road 18) and Stover Street (Oxford Road 59), is expected to remain open during construction but may require a short term closure for repaving. Business owners and residents within the construction limits will be able to access their property; however, there may be short periods when the construction crews are working immediately in front of a business entrance or driveway when access may temporarily be restricted.

County staff and the Contractor will make every reasonable effort to maintain access for residents and businesses within the active construction zone.

Emergency services, school boards and busses

Emergency services, school boards and buses will be notified of all road closures and lane restrictions.

Garbage and recycling

On garbage and recycling collection days, continue to place your garbage and recycling out at the roadside as usual. The Contractor will be responsible for collecting garbage and recycling and moving it to a central area for pick up when access is restricted in certain areas.

Please mark your business address or house number on garbage and recycling containers to ensure they are returned to the correct address.

Contacts for information

Mark Gosnell, C.E.T.
Transportation Technologist
519-539-9800 ext. 3133

Shawn Vanacker, C. Tech., CRS-S, CMM III
Supervisor of Transportation
519-539-9800 ext. 3106

This Notice Issued May 2, 2023

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Oxford County

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N4S 7Y3

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