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Mural unveiled at the Oxford County Library Otterville branch

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The beautiful mural from Tillsonburg artist Stella Jurgen captures the spirit of Otterville while promoting literacy

Photo of the new mural at the Otterville branch of the Oxford County LibraryOxford County Library hosted a mural unveiling on Thursday, June 13, at the Otterville branch to celebrate the new renovations in Otterville. 

The renovations were completed last fall and include new wall paint, carpet tiles, and the installation of a drop ceiling. The creamy-tone painted walls and new drop ceiling give the Otterville branch a cozy library feel and have made the library more inviting to visitors.

Oxford County Library issued a call to local artists after an Open House last October to showcase the new renovations. The artists were asked to submit online proposals and include symbols and features of the community of Otterville while also promoting literacy. Tillsonburg artist Stella Jurgen was ultimately selected to complete the mural after a breathtaking proposal. The mural captures the Town of Otterville beautifully and uniquely with bright colours, cute otters, and symbols that are synonymous with Otterville, while also promoting literacy. Stella Jurgen also completed the mural at the Tillsonburg branch.

Stella Jurgen is a Canadian artist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jurgen is well known for her choice of vibrant palettes and provoking themes that reflect her sparkly personality and multi-cultural background. She founded 17 Designs, a graphic design and websites company in 1998 with her husband, Norm Jurgen. 



OCL Otterville mural 1     

4 OCL Otterville mural     

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