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Hospitality workers invited to Discover Dundas

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Discover Dundas logos of Ontario's Southwest, Ontario, Downtown Woodstock BIA and Tourism Oxford

Networking event encourages hospitality workers to discover some of the hidden gems in downtown Woodstock

Tourism Oxford, the Downtown Woodstock BIA and Ontario’s Southwest are collaborating for Discover Dundas.

Discover Dundas is a two-hour walking tour that invites members of the hospitality industry to explore everything downtown Woodstock has to offer. The event will feature samples and activities at several restaurants and retail shops along the downtown Woodstock core.


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 – 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


The walking tour begins at Theatre Woodstock

22 Reeve Street, Woodstock, Ontario

Discover Dundas is an opportunity to network, explore and taste what makes the community unique. Hospitality workers are ambassadors for the City of Woodstock. Finding hidden gems in your own backyard will help increase business and staff awareness of downtown Woodstock and increase referrals for downtown businesses.

Find more information and register online today at




Kerry Baird, Downtown Development Officer, City of Woodstock

“Downtown Woodstock is excited to partner with Tourism Oxford to remind you what is to love about downtown.  Do you know what’s new?  We welcome you to join us in Discovering Dundas – you will not want to miss a special surprise.”


Meredith Maywood, Tourism Specialist, Oxford County

“If you work in Woodstock as a server, cab driver, at a hotel, tourism attraction, or in retail, we encourage you to sign up for our first Discover Dundas Tour. This two-hour walking tour will have participants visit several restaurants and local retailers to get a taste of what they have to offer.  Expect some delicious samples as you find out about these downtown gems.”



About Tourism Oxford

Tourism Oxford supports Oxford County’s visitor experiences, local businesses, and the local economy through development, marketing and collaboration opportunities. It promotes Oxford County's natural environment, rich agricultural land, heritage and cultural opportunities as key strengths, with an emphasis on great cycling, slow food, and diverse heritage. Sample the award-winning cheese trail, see how our landscape inspires local artists, and immerse yourself in our rural lifestyle. Tourism Oxford embraces the goals of the Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan and is a GreenStep Gold Certified Business for sustainable tourism. Tourism Oxford is Rainbow Registered and committed to building diversity, equity and inclusion in its communities.



About Downtown Woodstock BIA

The Downtown Woodstock BIA allows business and property owners in the downtown to join forces to organize, finance, and implement the beautification of the downtown, organize special events, and support the BIA members.



About Ontario’s Southwest 

Ontario’s Southwest (OSW) is a Regional Tourism Organization, funded through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming, and is governed by an industry-led Board of Directors from across the region. OSW works collaboratively with tourism partners to uphold OSW’s vision to be a year-round destination that offers highly sought experiences for visitors and residents, while working towards the mission of creating a vibrant and inclusive tourism sector that balances the needs of our visitors, tourism partners, communities, and environment. 


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Oxford County

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