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County Council approves 2023 Budget

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Budget reaffirms Council’s commitment to expanding affordable housing in Oxford’s communities

Oxford County Council approved the 2023 Business Plan and Budget on January 11, resulting in a $70.8 million general tax levy for the Oxford County share of property taxes (6.3% increase over 2022).

 With the 2023 Budget, an average-valued residential property will pay about $36 more in property taxes for the year (3.5% increase over 2022). This share of municipal taxes supports road and bridge maintenance on County roads, paramedic services, social services and housing, provincial court, community planning, long-term care at Woodingford Lodge, the County library system (except in Woodstock) and more. Oxford County’s total budget to deliver programs and services in 2023 is $308.3 million.

While inflationary increases for supplies, fuel and insurance had an impact on this year’s budget, County Council is moving ahead priorities to expand affordable housing, invest in public works infrastructure for the County’s growing communities, and respond to Ontario’s Fixing Long-Term Care Act at Woodingford Lodge.

In its final budget deliberations, Council moved to add $1.25 million to the affordable housing budget and establish an ongoing base amount of $3 million annually for affordable housing development. To maximize the County’s housing investment, Council directed staff to continue to pursue provincial and federal funding support. 

The 2023 Budget includes a capital plan of $84.1 million to maintain County infrastructure while planning for future growth. Key capital projects include construction upgrades to the Tillsonburg Wastewater Treatment Plant; capacity expansion of the Drumbo Wastewater Treatment Plant; water/wastewater servicing of employment lands in the County; bridge and culvert rehabilitation and replacements on County roads; renewable energy projects; and electric vehicle chargers.

Also included in the budget are 13 new strategic initiatives, including a compactor replacement upgrade at the Oxford County Waste Management Facility; support for Tillsonburg’s curbside large item collection, transfer stations and leaf and yard waste depot; an agricultural plastic waste diversion pilot program; an infection prevention program at Woodingford Lodge; and other projects that improve service and efficiency.

A total of $309,500 will be dispersed in community grants in 2023. These include:

  • Oxford Creative Connections, $60,000
  • Social Planning Council Oxford, $80,000
  • Agricultural Award of Excellence, $2,000 
  • Oxford Connection - Economic Development, $50,000
  • Oxford County Physician recruitment, $30,000
  • Small Business Centre, $50,000
  • North Oxford Intercommunity Bus Transit, $22,500
  • Youth Initiatives, $15,000

The County’s share of funding for Southwestern Public Health is estimated at $ 2.79 million for 2023 and $1.7 million for local conservation authorities.

 For more information on the County’s 2023 Budget, including Council presentations and past recordings, visit The full 2023 Business Plan and Budget document can be downloaded after January 25 at



Warden Marcus Ryan, Warden Oxford County

“This year’s budget is the first major achievement of the new County Council and sets a tone for what residents can expect to see going forward: thoughtful, respectful and fullsome dialogue on the challenges and opportunities in front of us. Residents have told us that affordable housing is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, issue facing our communities right now. Council’s initiative in expanding affordable housing investment now and in the future shows that this is an issue we take seriously and that we’re prepared to act.”


Quick facts

  • Municipal property taxes collected by Oxford residents helps fund services provided by school boards, local area municipalities, and Oxford County.
  • In addition to the tax levy, Oxford County services are funded through federal and provincial funds, development fees, reserve funds, and user fees.
  • The County’s four financial water systems and 11 wastewater systems are managed independently and fully funded in each community by the water and wastewater rates collected in those communities.
  • Garbage and recycling collection is partially funded through bag tag fees.
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