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Council this Week: Highlights from the July 10 County Council agenda - 20240710

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Transitional housing beds, Woodstock construction projects, Energy Management Plan update and more



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Oxford County Council meets once in July, August and December on the second Wednesday of the month, eliminating the regularly scheduled meeting on the fourth Wednesday.



Supportive and transitional housing

Oxford County is seeking approval to add 20 new transitional and supportive housing beds for people in Ingersoll and Woodstock, helping to bridge the gap between homelessness and permanent housing. The proposed projects in Ingersoll would consist of two five-bed homes, one operated by CMHA Thames Valley Addiction & Mental Health Services and the other by United Way Oxford and Oxford County Community Health Centre. The proposed Woodstock project would be a 10-bed home operated by Assisted Living Care Homes. Council is being asked to approve $1.15 million in funding from the 2024 Homelessness Response Strategy budget to develop the three housing projects and an additional $500,000 annually to operate them.

Transitional and supportive housing provide temporary accommodations and support to people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. This type of housing offers supervised services and support, such as counselling, life skills training or education.

HS 2024-08 - Funding for Transitional/Supportive Housing Projects



Energy Management Plan update

County Council receives an update on the Energy Management Plan on July 10. The report shows that Oxford County experienced a net increase of 0.7% in overall energy consumption across its facilities since 2015, but that actual energy use intensity for facilities and process plants decreased by 24.5% and 8.5% respectively. This shows significant energy conservation despite the high level of growth in our communities that impacts municipal service delivery. Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions also reduced from 2015 by 6.4%. The 2024-2028 Energy Management Plan recommends 65 energy efficiency measures to advance the County’s path towards 100% Renewable Energy by 2050, including optimizing building operations, conservation initiatives and more.

PW 2024-25 – 2024-2028 Energy Management Plan



Construction projects in Woodstock

County Council is being asked to approve a $1.23 million contract to Viewcon Construction Limited for the second phase of construction on Ingersoll Road in Woodstock. This involves reconfiguring the four-lane stretch of road between Oxford Road 2 (Dundas Street) and Anderson Street to two lanes, a centered two-way left-turn lane, and two bike lanes. Roadway and sanitary sewer construction as well as minor watermain and storm sewer repairs are also a part of the project, which will require a road closure between August and November with detour to Oxford Roads 2, 9 and 11.

Also before Council on July 10 are agreements with the Ministry of Transportation and developer MEL Inc. for intersection improvements at Oxford Road 4 and Oxford Road 15 (Parkinson and Towerline Road) to support growth and development in that area. A harmonized environmental assessment study is required before any changes take place, but improvements would include road widening, turning lanes and traffic signals. The targeted completion date is end of 2026.

PW 2024-27 - Contract Award: Oxford Road 9 (Ingersoll Road) Reconstruction – Phase 2, Woodstock

PW 2024-26 - Agreements – Oxford Road 4 and Oxford Road 15 (Parkinson Road / Towerline Road) Intersection Improvements, City of Woodstock



Other reports and presentations



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Council this Week previews the Oxford County Council meeting agenda for residents, community partners and employees. Please send your questions and comments to 


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