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Council this Week: Highlights from the January 8 County Council agenda - 20250108

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Oxford County’s anniversary year, bike lane legislation, Tavistock studies and more


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Oxford County anniversary year

Oxford County celebrates several anniversaries in 2025, most notably the 175th anniversary of the incorporation of Oxford County as a county. This year is also the 50th anniversary of the restructuring of Oxford County into its eight area municipalities; the 60th anniversary of the Oxford County Library system; and the 25th anniversary of Oxford County Archives. The report to Council focuses on events, exhibits and other activities planned for the year by Oxford County Archives and Oxford County Library.

CS 2025-01 – Oxford County Anniversaries



Update on bike lane legislation

Oxford County Council will hear an update on new legislation that requires review and approval from the Ministry of Transportation for bike lanes that remove a lane of vehicular traffic. Although these changes are not expected to have significant impacts in Oxford County, the Ministry could potentially request a review of existing County cycling infrastructure projects that used “road diets,” which convert 4-lane roads to 3-lane roads with two travel lanes and a shared centre turn lane. The report to Council notes that where Oxford County has used road diets, they were justified through comprehensive traffic studies and analysis.

PW 2025-01 - Amendments to Bill 212, Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024, Environmental Registry of Ontario Posting 019-9266



Notices of completion for Tavistock water and wastewater environmental assessment studies

Oxford County receives an update on January 8 on two environmental assessment studies in Tavistock in the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock. The studies identify preferred alternative solutions for a new well for drinking water and an upgrade to the William Street sewage pumping station. With the release of formal notices of completion for each study on January 15, a 30-day comment period begins for members of the public to submit final questions or concerns.

The Tavistock new well study proposes establishing a new well at the Test Well 3 site, north of Optimist Park, that would include two-stage pumping with on-ground storage and iron and manganese filtration. This project will help ensure the long-term security of water service in Tavistock and support projected future growth in the community.

For the wastewater study, a new larger sewage pumping station is proposed at the William Street site that can respond to increased capacity. The report notes that the existing site is adjacent to the Wastewater Treatment Plant Lagoons, is further away from residential homes, and is not located in a flood plain or near a creek.

PW 2025-02: Tavistock New Well Class Environmental Assessment Study – Notice of Completion and PW 2025-03: William Street Sewage Pumping Station Class Environmental Assessment Study – Notice of Completion



Other reports and presentations

  • CP 2025-02: Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision SB 23-03-2 – 2825085 Ontario Inc.
  • CP 2025-03: Application for Official Plan Amendment OP 22-05-8 – 1000049811 Ontario Inc.
  • CP 2025-04: Application for Official Plan Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision OP 23-11-8 and SB 23-06-8 – 2729902 Ontario Inc.
  • CP 2025-05: Application for Official Plan Amendment Clarke Commercial Shopping Centre Inc. OP 24-11-6
  • CS 2025-02: 2025 Interim Levy By-law
  • PS 2025-01: Purchase Award - Ambulances



Questions or comments?                                                       

Council this Week previews the Oxford County Council meeting agenda for residents, community partners and employees. Please send your questions and comments to 



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