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2021 Census data release

An overview of the findings from the first 2021 Census data release shows that Oxford County and most of the area municipalities experienced substantial growth since the last Census in 2016, and are among some of the fastest growing municipalities in Southwestern Ontario. Oxford County’s population grew from 110,846 in 2016 to 121,781 in 2021, a 9.9% increase. Planning staff monitors Census data along with building and development trends to inform updates to County and area municipal growth forecasts, as well as other municipal projects and initiatives.

CP 2022-78 – 2021 Census Data Release and Related Growth Updates

Additional residential units in Woodstock

County Council is being asked to approve amendments to the Official Plan that would allow the City of Woodstock to adapt its zoning by-laws for additional residential units (ARUs). Woodstock has completed its own review with respect to ARUs, which included land use planning and implementation considerations, public consultation, and a review of how these policies are being enacted in other Ontario municipalities.

ARUs are smaller, secondary dwelling units that are inside, attached to, or on the same property as a primary single detached, semi-detached, or townhouse dwelling. Ontario’s More Homes, More Choices Act amended the Planning Act to direct municipalities to enact policy and zoning changes for ARUs as one way of addressing the housing shortage.

CP 2022-65 – Application for Official Plan Amendment: Additional Residential Units – City of Woodstock OP 21-15-8 | Attachment

Annual drinking water system reports

County Council receives the 2021 Annual Water System Performance Summary reports next Council meeting. The reports show that the County treated and supplied approximately 10.6 million cubic metres of clean, safe and reliable drinking water to 21 communities through 17 drinking water systems last year. At the time of the Council report, 10 of the County’s municipal water systems inspected by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) received inspection ratings of 100 per cent (Beachville, Bright, Brownsville, Hickson, Innerkip, Lakeside, Mount Elgin, Oxford South, Thamesford and Woodstock). The remaining seven water systems have yet to have their inspections completed and results finalized by the MECP.

The report outlines more than $10 million investment in water infrastructure last year and summarizes preventative maintenance activities that were carried out across the water system in 2021 to help optimize the useful service life and efficiency of water infrastructure assets. The report also provides an overview of measures Oxford has in place that afford continued protection of the water quality within its municipal well supplies.

Oxford’s compliance to regulatory requirements, Municipal Drinking Water Licenses, and Permits to Take Water are actively monitored by Water Services staff, the County’s SCADA system, and through annual inspections and reporting mechanisms by the MECP. Annual water system summary reports are a requirement under Ontario’s Safe Drinking Water Act.

The County’s 2021 reports will be posted online by February 28

PW 2021-05 – 2021 Drinking Water System Performance | Attachment: Reports

Feedback on single-use plastics ban

County Council receives next meeting a consolidated submission by County staff, Zero Waste Oxford, City of Woodstock, and Township of South-West Oxford in response to the draft Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations put forward by Environment and Climate Change Canada.

The proposed federal regulations would introduce, among other goals and targets, a ban on plastic checkout bags, cutlery, food service ware, ring carriers, stir sticks, and straws. Oxford’s feedback on the draft legislation includes a recommendation to harmonize provincial and federal bans on single-use plastics; a request for more clarification around enforcement of the ban; and a request for stakeholder consultation on the development of the government’s guidance document.

PW 2021- Proposed Federal Government Single-Use Plastics Ban | Attachments

Other reports and presentations

  • Proclamation to declare March 5, 2022 as “Oxford Mackay Day” in recognition of the 150th Anniversary of Rev. George Leslie Mackay's arrival in Tamsui, Taiwan on March 9, 1872
  • Public meeting: Application for Official Plan Amendment - Additional Residential Units – City of Woodstock OP 21-15-8 | CP 2022-65
  • PW 2022-06: Managed Forest Plan Update: 2021 Review and Operational Activity Forecast
  • PW 2022-08: Procurement of Tandem Axle Plow Trucks

Questions or comments?

Council this Week highlights Council activities for the public, employees and community partners. Please send your questions and comments to