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Construction schedule update for Oxford Road 59 (Vansittart Ave) bridge

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Work is in final stages and expected to finish in late February depending on weather conditions

Major rehabilitation work on the Oxford Road 59 (Vansittart Avenue) bridge in Woodstock is in its final stages and expected to finish in late February 2025. Reconstruction work on the bridge was a significant undertaking over the past 11 months, requiring complete removal and replacement of the existing bridge deck, repairs to the structure, and a new wider deck to accommodate bike lanes and sidewalks.

Oxford County and its contractor, Sierra Construction, are working to complete the project as quickly as possible and thank residents for their cooperation and patience. Remaining work is weather and temperature dependent, however, and could be impacted by adverse conditions such as extreme cold. If temperatures remain consistently in the negative double digits, work may be paused until weather conditions allow for final construction work to take place.

For future updates on this project, visit or follow Oxford County on social media.

Oxford County’s 2025 Capital Plan includes reconstruction work on Devonshire Avenue from Vansittart Avenue to Wellington Street, encompassing the intersection of Vansittart and Devonshire in early stages. More information about this project will be shared after the construction tender is awarded.


Quick facts

  • Originally built in 1967, the Oxford Road 59 (Vansittart Ave.) bridge is nearly 150 metres in length and includes four spans (sections) extending over a main rail corridor that sits almost 20 metres above the Thames River. Rehabilitation of the bridge was identified as a priority in 2022.
  • The bridge is a primary transportation route in the City of Woodstock with an annual average daily traffic volume of more than 13,000 vehicles before construction start.
  • The Oxford Road 59 bridge reconstruction project is considered to be of generational magnitude, meaning work is of a scale only necessary once in a generation. When completed, this project will extend the service life of the bridge by 75 years.


About Oxford County

Located in southwestern Ontario at the crossroads of Highways 401 and 403, Oxford County has a population of approximately 140,000 people across eight area municipalities that are “growing stronger together.” A partnership-oriented, two-tier municipal government, Oxford County is committed to 100% renewable energy, zero waste, zero poverty, and being 100% housed. Oxford County is situated in one of Ontario’s richest areas for farmland, with a diversified local economy that is home to an innovative agricultural industry, leading automotive manufacturers, and the Oxford County Cheese Trail. Oxford also offers a thriving local arts and culinary community, as well as conservation parks, natural areas and more than 100 kilometres of scenic trails. The County’s Strategic Plan puts forward a vision of “Working together for a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable future.” The Oxford County Administration Building is in Woodstock, Ontario. Visit, follow us on social media, or download our Facts and Stats to learn more.

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