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Public Notice - Fall Watermain Flushing

Posted on Friday, September 15, 2023 10:49 AM

With 100% groundwater as the County's drinking water source, mineral build-up in the water distribution system is common. Watermain maintenance helps ensure your service continues running smoothly.

Watermain flushing

Regular watermain flushing helps maintain drinking water quality by removing build-up and mineral deposits in the distribution system. Oxford County Water Operations performs watermain flushing twice a year by forcing water through watermains at high speed and discharging it through...

Public Notice - Notice of Public Information Centre (PIC) - Punkeydoodles Corners Study

Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 04:46 PM

Punkeydoodles Corners Intersection Control Feasibility Study

Thursday, October 5, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. | Tavistock & District Memorial Hall
   Download the presentation slides  
   Download the display boards
   Handout: Short-term recommendations

To strategically prepare for growth and to enhance the operations and safety of the existing roadway network at Punkeydoodles Corners, Oxford County has retained RC Spencer Associates Inc. to explore short, medium and long-term geometric and traffic control...

UPDATE: The Oxford County Waste Management Facility can now process, cash, debit and credit.

Posted on Monday, September 11, 2023 10:49 AM

(UPDATE) The Oxford County Waste Management Facility can now process, cash, debit and credit.

The Oxford County Waste Management Facility is currently operating as cash only until further notice. The debit and credit machines are not operational at this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this interruption. An update will be posted to when debit and credit payments are available again. 

Oxford County’s Waste Management Facility (landfill) is a one-stop shop for...

Public Notice: By Transport Canada and Oxford County

Posted on Friday, September 01, 2023 07:52 AM

Canadian Navigable Waters Act: Oxford Road 59 Bridge

Oxford County hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act, for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans.

Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Oxford County has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry under the NPP File Number 2023-408892 a description of the following work, its site and...

Public Notice: Notice of Public Consultation Centre #2 - New well supply in Tavistock

Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 07:00 AM

Oxford County is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study to explore potential opportunities for a new well supply to improve the security and supply of drinking water for the community.

UPDATE - The presentation slides and video from Public Consultation Centre #2 have now been posted to Speak Up, Oxford! at

What is the new well supply study?

Tavistock currently receives water from three wells located at the same...