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Tourism Oxford Logo

Family of four riding bikes along a trail surrounded by green trees

Looking for information to help you plan a trip to Oxford County? Please visit

Who we are:

The County of Oxford is the Destination Management Organization (DMO) for Oxford County. As the DMO the County has three primary roles:

  • Taking a holistic approach to tourism considering economic impact, resident quality of life and sustainability
    • Researching industry trends on sustainable, green and regenerative tourism 

    • Developing regenerative tourism strategies within the County 

    • Consulting and engaging with residents, businesses, organizations and the sector for feedback and collaboration

  • Supporting businesses with developing and taking product to market. Increasing their capacity through:
    • Learning Opportunities: training, workshops and resources to help grow tourism businesses 
    • Researching tourism trends and monitoring tourism statistics for Oxford County
    • Collaborating with partners to work on product development and marketing
    • Sustainable Tourism: teaching businesses about growth and green tourism practices
    • Business Coaching: regularly meeting with businesses to share information about trends, opportunities, resources and to be a sounding board for businesses as they look to attract more visitors. Contact us for a quick phone call or to schedule a time to meet.

See our Resources page for more information.

  • Supporting community, business and visitor needs in marketing of Oxford County as a destination
    • Destination Website: ongoing development and promotion of the destination website
    • Advertising: year-round advertising (digital, print, promotional materials etc.)
    • Social Media: ongoing management of a range of social media channels
    • Newsletter: year-round email database acquisition activities and email marketing campaigns
    • Collaborative Programs: development and execution of marketing programs which leverage available funding from Regional and Provincial tourism organizations and, cooperative partnerships with local tourism operators to leverage investments around themed product offerings (including Oxford County Cheese Trail, Embrace Our Rural Roots, Oxford Fresh)
    • Visual Assets: ongoing development of photography and video assets used to market the destination
    • Travel Media: coordination of travel media visits and media coverage
    • Signage: destination and attraction signage programs

See our Partnerships and Advertising Opportunities

This work does not occur in isolation but is in partnership with local businesses and organizations. Therefore, we encourage you to keep in touch and share with us your successes, new products and discuss your ideas with us. 

Subscribe to our Industry Newsletter via the button below to keep informed about Tourism Oxford’s activities, workshops and opportunities (Read our Annual Review).

blue button with the word subscribe in the middle

We also recommend you subscribe to other newsletters to keep informed about Tourism & Economic Development in Oxford County & Ontario. See our resources section for other agencies to connect with, research, and opportunities.

Oxford County gratefully acknowledges the Government of Canada's support through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) for tourism businesses in Oxford County.

Federal Economic Development of Canada Logo

Logo for Ontario's Southwest  Tiao

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Oxford County

21 Reeve Street, P.O Box
1614, Woodstock, Ontario
N4S 7Y3

Tel: 519-539-9800
Fax: 519-537-1053

General Email: 
Email HR (Job Opportunities):

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(open during lunch)

For an emergency outside of regular hours, please call 1-800-755-0394 and listen for instructions for after-hours emergency calls.

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Department Directory

The County of Oxford is the upper tier to eight Area Municipalities and is responsible for the provision of a wide range of services to its residents.

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Oxford County Map

Oxford County offers many geographic data services and mapping products through the Corporate Geographic Information System (GIS).

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